Soursop (Annona muricata) has its origin in the West Indies, Caribbean, but is now widely cultivated in Brazil, in the Amazon rainforest region. Graviola (another name for soursop) contains several active ingredients known as acetogenins, which can attack and fight malignant cells of various types of cancer. Graviola tea has other very beneficial properties for health, such as lowering cholesterol, preventing heart disease, diabetes, rheumatism, weight loss, infections, fever, diarrhea, hypertension blood pressure , cramps, among others. We will see in this article how to use soursop to treat hypertension.
High blood pressure (hypertension) has almost always existed for a long time without causing any symptoms or signs. Since high blood pressure is already causing damage to small blood vessels at this stage, early diagnostic tests are important. Only then can you take targeted measures against high blood pressure.
Natural treatment for high blood pressure
Our natural remedy against arterial hypertension consists of several plants whose active principles promote the dilation of the arteries and therefore the drop in blood pressure. These herbal teas help to eliminate the stiffness of the blood vessels by making them more flexible.
The natural remedy also acts on the kidneys and promotes the elimination of water and salt. It also helps fight stress, insomnia and heart palpitations, which is why this herbal tea is so effective in lowering blood pressure naturally.

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Soursop tea for hypertension: how to prepare it

Soursop tea is quick and easy to prepare and 2 to 3 cups of soursop tea can be consumed daily, preferably after meals.
- 10 g of dried soursop leaves;
- 1 liter of boiling water.
Preparation mode
To make the tea, simply place the soursop leaves in boiling water and let stand for about 10 minutes. Then strain and consume when hot after meals.
Side effects and contraindications of soursop tea
Although there are several benefits of soursop tea, consuming soursop tea should be guided by an herbalist or nutritionist, as consuming excessive amounts of soursop tea can lead to:
- nausea,
- vomiting,
- Sudden decrease in pressure and intestinal changes, because due to its antimicrobial properties, it is able to eliminate good bacteria from the body when consumed in excess.
In addition, the use of soursop by pregnant women is not indicated because it can lead to premature birth or abortion.
Also Read: Dandelion Treats High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure: symptoms
Symptoms usually don't appear until high blood pressure has already affected the organs. The brain and eyes, especially the heart and kidneys, are damaged very early on. Depending on the area affected, the symptoms are quite different, often nonspecific.
Symptoms of hypertension can include:
- Dizziness and ringing in the ears
- Racing heart
- Feeling of pressure / tightness around the heart
- Sweats
- Epistaxis
- Visual disturbances
- Headache (especially at night and in the morning)
- Nervousness, irritability, difficulty concentrating
- Dyserection
It is important that the strength and type of complaints and symptoms do not indicate the severity of high blood pressure. Even small signs or symptoms can be an indication of hypertension.
High blood pressure: complications
If nothing is done about high blood pressure for years, irrevocable damage to the blood vessels will result. This in turn leads to serious diseases of various organs.
- Heart: High blood pressure puts constant pressure on the left ventricle in particular. This can lead to weakness of the heart muscle (heart failure). In addition, arteriosclerosis of the coronary arteries is promoted, which in turn can lead to circulatory disturbances in the heart (coronary artery disease, short: CHD) and a heart attack.
- Brain : Damage to the vessels in the brain often leads to a stroke.
- Kidneys : Changes in the kidney vessels reduce kidney function (renal failure), which can lead to kidney failure.
- Eyes: Damage to the vessels in the back of the eye can lead to visual impairment and, in extreme cases, blindness.
- Limbs: Less often, high blood pressure causes circulatory problems, especially in the legs.
The benefits of soursop leaves
Soursop leaves have many health benefits. This leaf is also used as herbal medicine. The fruit itself is believed to be a way to prevent cancer.
People use the fruits to make juices, smoothies, ice cream, and other sweet treats. Many people also use the leaves of the soursop fruit tree to make tea. Soursop is also called graviola, so this drink can also be called graviola tea. Other names for soursop include guanabana, custard apple, and Brazilian paw.
1. Prevent cancer
Graviola tea or tea made from soursop leaves is considered by many to treat, prevent and even cure cancer. However, there is currently no solid evidence to support these claims. A recent review found that, based on the available data, there is good evidence that this plant may have chemopreventive and therapeutic potential.
2. Cough medicine
Besides its anti-cancer properties, some people use soursop to treat infections, coughs, weight loss, herpes, inflammation of the nose and throat, and parasitic infections such as head lice.
3. Medicines for nausea
Or it could be to relax when someone experiences nausea and vomiting.