Blocked fallopian tubes are common among the many possible causes of infertility.

Why do blocked fallopian tubes need treatment?
The fallopian tubes are an essential part of achieving an unattended natural pregnancy in conception. The finger-shaped protrusions at the end of the tube "collect" the ovulated egg from the adjacent ovary. To do this, the fallopian tubes must be freely movable, not attached to the pelvic wall, uterus or ovaries by adhesions.
After collecting the egg, the tube protects the egg until it is fertilized by the sperm, where after nourishing the resulting embryo, it shifts the length of the tube to the uterus for five days. . To function as an incubator where the egg and sperm meet and the early stages of embryonic development, the tubes must be opened (patent). In addition, the inner lining of the fallopian tubes must act as a transport system, moving the developing embryo to the uterus, where it implanted 3 to 5 days after ovulation.
If the fallopian tubes are damaged or blocked, the egg and sperm are prevented from interacting and the proper movement of embryos along the tube into the uterus is obstructed, preventing pregnancy.
Natural treatment for blocked tubes
Here is the best African herbal remedy to unblock the tubes and get pregnant quickly . These herbs are very effective in unblocking the fallopian tubes. They have already enabled many women around the world who had blocked tubes to regain their fertility without operations. If you have blocked tubes, here are the medicinal plants that will allow you to experience the joy of being a mother. How it works?
Natural therapy is made up of 2 elements: an oil to apply as a poultice and herbal teas. By its vasodilator, purifying and diuretic power, the herbal tea will have the action of unclogging your tubes. Also, the oil to be applied as a poultice will soften the tissues and improve circulation throughout the pelvic region. So, the combined action of these two elements will allow you to unblock your tubes naturally and get pregnant.
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How are the fallopian tubes damaged or blocked?
As thin as a pencil lead, the fallopian tubes are delicate structures and are easily blocked or damaged. Blocked or damaged tubes reduce the chances of sperm reaching the egg, as well as the chances of the embryo developing properly and implanting in the uterus. This is called tubal infertility.
The main cause of tubal infertility is pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which is also associated with an increased risk of subsequent ectopic pregnancy (when the fertilized egg is implanted in the fallopian tube instead of the uterus) . Blockages in the fallopian tubes can be caused by scars from infection or from previous abdominal or pelvic surgery - especially surgery to the fallopian tubes or ovaries. Limiting postoperative damage depends on the skill of the surgeon.
Another known cause of damage to the fallopian tubes is the intrauterine contraceptive device or "loop", especially when there are multiple sexual partners. Other possible causes include endometriosis and sexually transmitted diseases, such as gonorrhea, resulting in infection of the fallopian tubes.
How do I know if my fallopian tubes are damaged or blocked?
Using a pelvic x-ray called a hysterosalpingogram (HSG), a qualified fertility specialist can determine if your fallopian tubes are blocked or damaged - and to what extent. The procedure involves the injection of dye into the uterine cavity and a simultaneous x-ray of the uterus and tubes, allowing the specialist to see any damage or blockage.
The flexibility of the fallopian tube may be reduced, so that it cannot catch the egg when it is released from the ovary. There may be a total blockage preventing the sperm and egg from meeting and producing an embryo. There may also be damage to the inner wall of the fallopian tube, which prevents the embryo from moving around in the uterus. This can lead to an ectopic pregnancy, in which the embryo attaches to the side wall of the fallopian tube, causing the tube to rupture around seven weeks after the onset of pregnancy.
Teas to cleanse the uterus
Uterine cleansing teas help remove lumps of the endometrium , which is the lining of the uterus, after your period or after pregnancy.
Additionally, these teas can also be good for toning uterine muscle as they increase blood circulation to the area and can be a good supplement for women trying to conceive, preparing the uterus to receive the fetus.
Although natural, these teas should always be used with the advice of an obstetrician or herbalist and should be avoided during pregnancy, as some can stimulate the onset of contractions, which ultimately adversely affects the pregnancy that already exists.
1. Ginger

Ginger is an excellent detoxifier for the whole body and therefore it can also work on the uterus, reducing possible inflammation and improving blood circulation.
This tea can therefore be a good option for women who suffer from very severe menstrual pain or who have small flare-ups of endometriosis, for example.
1 to 2 cm of ginger root;
250 ml of water.
Preparation method
Bring the ingredients to a boil in a saucepan for 10 minutes. Then filter, let cool and drink 2 to 3 times a day.
2. Damiana

Damiana is a plant that has been used for several centuries to increase libido , as it helps improve blood circulation in the intimate region of women. So, this herb can be a great solution to strengthen the uterus.
2 to 4 grams of dried Damiana leaves
1 cup boiling water
Preparation method
Add the ingredients and let stand for 5-10 minutes. Then strain, let cool and drink up to 3 times a day.
3. raspberry

Raspberry tea is a well-known home remedy for unclogging the tubes, but it can also be used after pregnancy to remove lumps of the endometrium and other tissue that have not yet been completely removed, as well as to facilitate the return of the uterus. its normal size.
Raspberry works to increase the tone of the uterus and stimulate its contraction, which eventually pushes out the endometrial lumps that are there.
1 to 2 teaspoons of chopped raspberry leaves;
1 cup of boiling water.
Preparation method
Add the ingredients, cover and let stand for up to 10 minutes. Finally, filter, let heat and drink 1 to 3 cups of tea per day.
Although this is a scientifically proven method and some studies indicate that raspberry does not affect early pregnancy, pregnant women should avoid its consumption, at least without the advice of an obstetrician or an obstetrician. herbalist.
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