
Blocked Fallopian Tubes and Chlamydia: Natural Treatment

By On 10/03/2020 at 08:27



Blocked fallopian tubes are a possible cause of female infertility. The medical term for blocked fallopian tubes is tubal occlusion. Usually, there are no specific symptoms of this condition, but there are several risk factors that can increase the likelihood of developing the condition.Trompe de fallope bouchee


What to do if I have blocked fallopian tubes and want to get pregnant?

Here is the best remedy of African medicinal plants for unblocking the tubes and getting pregnant quickly. These plants are very effective for unblocking the fallopian tubes. They have already allowed many women around the world who had blocked tubes to regain their fertility without surgery.

If you have blocked tubes, here are the medicinal plants that will allow you to experience the joy of motherhood.

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Order it now and start the natural treatment to unblock your tubes and regain your fertility as soon as possible. Support is provided throughout the treatment process. To contact us, click on the WhatsApp button in the bottom right corner of the screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56.

We are represented in all African countries and are active in Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, South Africa, Rwanda, Botswana, Uganda, Congo-Brazzaville, and Kinshasa. So, rest assured that you will receive your products immediately after placing your order.

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Herbs used for the natural treatment of chlamydia

  • Unilateral pear

The plant is used to relieve inflammation and swelling, strengthen blood vessels, eliminate harmful substances, stimulate the function of endocrine glands, and destroy microbes.

As a medicine, unilateral pear is used in the form of a tincture composed of 6 tablespoons of herbs and 500 ml of vodka. Pour alcohol and leave in a dark place for 10 days, shaking the bottle periodically so that the plant provides the most useful ingredients.

You should consume one teaspoon three times a day. The treatment lasts from 2 months to a year.Poire unilaterale


  • Thyme

The value of thyme lies in its pronounced antibacterial properties. The infusion of the plant works effectively. Water in an amount of 250 ml and herbs: 30g Dried thyme should be poured with boiling water and infused for half an hour.

The resulting infusion is taken in small doses throughout the day. The treatment lasts for 30 days.Thym


  • Elscholtzia

The plant that resembles a miniature tree contains a large amount of essential oils with valuable acids. They have a strong antimicrobial effect and effectively fight chlamydia.

Before preparation, the dried plant should be ground into powder using a coffee grinder. One teaspoon and a glass of boiling water are enough for the infusion.

Pour the herb with boiling water, after 20 minutes, the medicinal liquid can be consumed orally one tablespoon four times a day. The treatment lasts for a month.Elsgoltia


We have a very effective natural treatment for unblocking fallopian tubes.

Order it now and start the natural treatment to unblock your tubes and regain your fertility as soon as possible. Support is provided throughout the treatment process. To contact us, click on the WhatsApp button in the bottom right corner of the screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56.


We are represented in all African countries and are active in Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, South Africa, Rwanda, Botswana, Uganda, Congo-Brazzaville, and Kinshasa. So, rest assured that you will receive your products immediately after placing your order.

Delivery is free worldwide.


  • Black poplar buds

Vegetable buds are rich in phenolic glycosides, flavonoids, essential oils, contain vitamin C and tannins. They have an astringent, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial effect. This plant is widely used to treat genital infections and urinary tract problems.

For the treatment of chlamydia, prepare an alcohol tincture and dried heads in a ratio of 10 to 1. The resulting mixture is left in a dark place for 3 weeks, then filtered and consumed after a meal, 30 drops three times a day.Bourgeons de peuplier noir1


  • Bearberry

This plant is also called bearberry because of the characteristic shape of its leaves. Bearberry is used as both a cosmetic product and an effective medicine.

Thanks to its flavonoid content, it effectively helps to overcome pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Plant tinctures without heat treatment are considered the most effective, as the concentration of useful ingredients is maximum.

It is necessary to prepare a tincture using 40% alcohol in an amount of 100 ml, pour 2 tablespoons of dried bearberry leaves, and leave in a warm place for 2 weeks. Take the prepared tincture 20 drops three times a day.Busserole1


  • Garlic

Garlic herbs are known for their strong antimicrobial activity due to their phytoncide content. Garlic infusion will help get rid of chlamydia.

Finely chop 4 cloves of garlic or crush them with a press. Pour a glass of boiling water and let it infuse overnight. In the morning, strain the solution through gauze and drink the entire contents at once.Ail 4


We have a very effective natural treatment for unblocking fallopian tubes.

Order it now and start the natural treatment to unblock your tubes and regain your fertility as soon as possible. Support is provided throughout the treatment process. To contact us, click on the WhatsApp button in the bottom right corner of the screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56.


We are represented in all African countries and are active in Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, South Africa, Rwanda, Botswana, Uganda, Congo-Brazzaville, and Kinshasa. So, rest assured that you will receive your products immediately after placing your order.

Delivery is free worldwide.


Tips for women with chlamydia and blocked fallopian tubesAnovulation et grossesse

  • Consult a healthcare professional: If you have been diagnosed with chlamydia and are concerned about complications such as blocked fallopian tubes, it is essential to seek immediate medical attention, preferably from a gynecologist or fertility specialist. They can provide you with specific advice for your situation and treatment options.
  • Follow chlamydia treatment: The first step is to effectively treat chlamydia infection. Typically, chlamydia is treated with antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. Make sure to follow the treatment exactly as directed, even if your symptoms disappear before the treatment is completed. This will help prevent the spread of the infection and reduce the risk of complications.
  • Have your tubes checked: If you are concerned that your tubes may be blocked due to untreated chlamydia, your doctor may recommend tests to assess their condition. This may include a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) or laparoscopy. These tests will determine if your tubes are blocked and to what extent.
  • Discuss treatment options: If your tubes are indeed blocked, your doctor will discuss treatment options with you. This may involve surgical techniques to unblock the tubes or other approaches, depending on the severity of the obstruction.
  • Be aware of potential infertility: It is important to understand that blocked fallopian tubes can lead to difficulties in conceiving naturally. However, there are still options for women in this situation, including in vitro fertilization (IVF) and other assisted fertility treatments. Discuss these options with your doctor or a fertility specialist.
  • Protect yourself in the future: Once you have been successfully treated for chlamydia, and your tubes have been addressed, be sure to take steps to prevent contracting sexually transmitted infections again. Use condoms in sexual encounters with new or untested partners, and make sure to undergo regular STI screenings.
  • Emotional support: Understanding that you have blocked tubes can be emotionally challenging, especially if you want to conceive a child. Don't hesitate to seek emotional support from friends, family, or a mental health counselor to help you cope with these challenges.
  • Stay informed: Educate yourself about chlamydia, its potential consequences, and the available treatment options. The more you know, the better equipped you will be to make informed decisions about your reproductive health.

It is important to promptly address chlamydia and tube issues, as early treatment can help reduce complications and preserve your fertility. Feel free to discuss your concerns with a healthcare professional who can guide you through the process.


We have a very effective natural treatment for unblocking fallopian tubes.

Order it now and start the natural treatment to unblock your tubes and regain your fertility as soon as possible. Support is provided throughout the treatment process. To contact us, click on the WhatsApp button in the bottom right corner of the screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56.


We are represented in all African countries and are active in Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, South Africa, Rwanda, Botswana, Uganda, Congo-Brazzaville, and Kinshasa. So, rest assured that you will receive your products immediately after placing your order.

Delivery is free worldwide.


Symptoms of Fallopian Tube ObstructionObstruction tubaire

Fallopian tube obstruction, also known as tubal occlusion, can lead to various symptoms, although some individuals may not experience any symptoms. Symptoms of fallopian tube obstruction may include:

  • Pelvic pain: Pelvic pain is one of the most common symptoms. You may feel a dull or sharp pain in the pelvic region, usually on one side.
  • Irregular or painful periods: Fallopian tube obstructions can cause irregular, painful, or heavy periods.
  • Pain during intercourse: Obstruction can make sexual intercourse painful by causing discomfort or pain during sexual activity.
  • Lower abdominal pain: Lower abdominal pain, sometimes confused with gastrointestinal pain, can occur due to the buildup of fluid in the blocked tubes.
  • Abnormal vaginal discharge: Fallopian tube obstruction can lead to abnormal vaginal discharge, sometimes foul-smelling or of unusual color.
  • Infertility: Fallopian tube obstruction is one of the leading causes of infertility in women. If the tubes are completely blocked, sperm cannot reach the egg for fertilization.

It is essential to note that some women with fallopian tube obstruction may not experience any symptoms, which can make diagnosis more challenging.

If you suspect fallopian tube obstruction due to symptoms such as those mentioned above, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for a thorough examination.

An accurate diagnosis can be made using tests such as hysterosalpingography (HSG), laparoscopy, or pelvic ultrasound. Treatment will depend on the severity of the obstruction and the patient's fertility goals.


We have a very effective natural treatment for unblocking fallopian tubes.

Order it now and start the natural treatment to unblock your tubes and regain your fertility as soon as possible. Support is provided throughout the treatment process. To contact us, click on the WhatsApp button in the bottom right corner of the screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56.


We are represented in all African countries and are active in Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, South Africa, Rwanda, Botswana, Uganda, Congo-Brazzaville, and Kinshasa. So, rest assured that you will receive your products immediately after placing your order.

Delivery is free worldwide.


Causes of Fallopian Tube ObstructionConsultation medicale uterus

Fallopian tube obstruction can be caused by various factors. Here are some of the main possible causes:

  • Pelvic infections: Pelvic infections, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, are one of the leading causes of fallopian tube obstruction. These infections can cause inflammation and scarring in the tubes, which can lead to partial or complete blockage.
  • Endometriosis: Endometriosis is a condition in which the tissue lining the uterus (endometrium) grows outside the uterus. When this tissue reaches the fallopian tubes, it can cause adhesions and obstruction.
  • Uterine fibroids: Uterine fibroids are benign tumors that form in the uterus. If they are located near the fallopian tubes, they can compress them and cause obstruction.
  • Previous surgery: Previous abdominal or pelvic surgeries, such as appendix surgery or cesarean sections, can result in scarring and adhesions in the pelvic area, potentially obstructing the fallopian tubes.
  • Congenital abnormalities: Some women may be born with structural abnormalities of the fallopian tubes that make them more prone to obstruction.
  • Tumors: Tumors, both malignant and benign, can develop in the pelvic area and compress or block the fallopian tubes.
  • Salpingitis: Salpingitis is inflammation of the fallopian tubes, often due to infection. Untreated salpingitis can lead to scarring and obstruction.
  • Idiopathic factors: In some cases, the cause of fallopian tube obstruction may remain unknown (idiopathic).

It is important to note that some women are at increased risk of fallopian tube obstruction due to their medical history or personal risk factors. If you have concerns about fallopian tube obstruction or experience suggestive symptoms, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment options.


We have a very effective natural treatment for unblocking fallopian tubes.

Order it now and start the natural treatment to unblock your tubes and regain your fertility as soon as possible. Support is provided throughout the treatment process. To contact us, click on the WhatsApp button in the bottom right corner of the screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56.


We are represented in all African countries and are active in Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, South Africa, Rwanda, Botswana, Uganda, Congo-Brazzaville, and Kinshasa. So, rest assured that you will receive your products immediately after placing your order.

Delivery is free worldwide.


Risk of Sterility and Ectopic PregnancyConsultation uterus

In case of infection, bacteria first settle in the cervix before gradually colonizing their environment. "They climb along the fallopian tubes and cause an inflammatory reaction. The tubes are very fine, and inflammation can block the tube," the doctor describes. The fallopian tubes connect the ovaries to the uterus: when blocked, the egg can no longer pass through, causing sterility.

"But even at this stage where the tubes are affected, there are still very few symptoms. Often, when women come to us with infertility problems, we discover that it's due to an old chlamydia infection," emphasizes the infectious disease specialist. In cases where they have not caused sterility, these lesions can promote ectopic pregnancies, which are very dangerous for the mother, rendering fetal development impossible.

This infection can be contracted through all types of sexual intercourse: vaginal, anal, and even oral. "People too often forget to use a condom during oral sex, even though it accounts for the majority of infections today," laments Dr. Bohbot.

This practice is as risky as other types of penetration. Indeed, the person performing oral sex on an infected person will contract the bacteria, which will then settle in their throat. "There, it doesn't cause sterility, of course, but the risk is to transmit the bacteria to their other partners," he warns.


We have a very effective natural treatment for unblocking fallopian tubes.

Order it now and start the natural treatment to unblock your tubes and regain your fertility as soon as possible. Support is provided throughout the treatment process. To contact us, click on the WhatsApp button in the bottom right corner of the screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56.


We are represented in all African countries and are active in Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, South Africa, Rwanda, Botswana, Uganda, Congo-Brazzaville, and Kinshasa. So, rest assured that you will receive your products immediately after placing your order.

Delivery is free worldwide.


Screening TestUterus 2

Certainly, it takes several months for chlamydia to cause damage, but "a study has shown that between 9 and 10% of women carrying untreated chlamydia infection for a year have lesions in the tubes. This means that one in ten women is at risk of becoming sterile," Dr. Bohbot points out. Therefore, it is essential to get tested as soon as possible after unprotected or risky sexual intercourse.

However, the presence of chlamydia cannot be detected by a simple blood test. Men should undergo a urine test, while women should have a vaginal swab. "The vaginal swab is done either by a gynecologist or through self-collection, which is available for free at testing centers.

The procedure is very simple: a swab, a kind of large cotton swab, is used, which is swiped in the vagina for a few seconds before being analyzed," explains the doctor. According to him, women aged 15 to 24 should get tested every year, as this age group accounts for more than a third of the diagnoses.

In case of a confirmed infection, all it takes is to take an antibiotic to eradicate the bacteria. "You should take 4 tablets of azithromycin in one go," explains Dr. Bohbot. "For infections that have lasted longer, there is another treatment that is taken for a week.

These antibiotics are perfectly effective, provided that you also treat the sexual partner(s) to prevent the infection from recurring." And even if you have already been treated, you can still contract the disease again. To prevent this, there is only one solution: use a condom for every sexual encounter.


We have a very effective natural treatment for unblocking fallopian tubes.

Order it now and start the natural treatment to unblock your tubes and regain your fertility as soon as possible. Support is provided throughout the treatment process. To contact us, click on the WhatsApp button in the bottom right corner of the screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56.


We are represented in all African countries and are active in Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, South Africa, Rwanda, Botswana, Uganda, Congo-Brazzaville, and Kinshasa. So, rest assured that you will receive your products immediately after placing your order.

Delivery is free worldwide.